We strive to make ordering from Serv-A-Pure as easy as possible and try and offer as many ways to order from us as we can. The following are the ways possible to order from Serv-A-Pure.
Internet Orders
Ordering through www.servapure.com you are able to securely check out and pay with any major US credit card or PayPal. If you would like to become open account with us, please send us your company’s standard credit application and email it to orders@servapure.com or fax it to (989) 892-1092.
Our checkout process uses a secure GeoTrust Extended Validation Site Certificate to encrypt your order information. See our Privacy & Security Policy for more information.
To add an item to your shopping cart, first select the quantity you wish to purchase then select the ADD TO CART button on the item page. To view the items you have in your shopping cart, click on the MY CART link on the top right of the page. While viewing your cart, you are able to add, remove or update any items in your cart.
To check out, click the MY CART link on the upper right of any page. Click on the Blue Checkout icon in the window that pops open. You will then proceed to an on-page checkout where you will be asked for your shipping address and billing information, method of shipment and payment method. Double check your order and information as once you click Place Order your order and payment will be processed.
After your payment is processed through our secure credit card system or PayPal, you will receive an e-mail receipt that will include your transaction details and confirmation that your payment was processed.
If you have your own shipper account you want to use it, please contact us at orders@servapure.com and we can turn that option on for your account.
To get an estimate on shipping charges before checking out, click on the MY CART link on the top right of the page. Click on the White MY CART icon in the window that pops open. On the right hand side of the page, click the "Add Info" link next to the shipping section. Add in your City, State and Zip code, and your shipping options and prices will appear. If changes are made to your cart, the shipping prices will change and this estimate will need to be updated.
If you are having problems ordering please contact us at (800) 338-4905, (989) 892-7745 or email us at orders@servapure.com
Phone Orders
Call Toll Free at (800) 338-4905 or locally at (989) 892-7735 between 8 AM and 5 PM EST Monday-Friday to place an order over the phone. If all representatives are busy please leave us a detailed message and we will return your call shortly. If calling after normal business we will return your call the next business day.
Purchase Orders
We accept all corporate purchase orders once a credit check has been performed. If you would like to order via PO, please fax us at (989) 892-1092 or email us at orders@servapure.com the PO along with a company credit application. Once your credit application has been processed we will ship out the items on your order.
Sales Tax
The following states are the only states ServAPure collects sales tax in: California, Colorado, Florida, Kansas, Masachusettes, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Texas.
If your order is not shipped to one of these states, we do not collect sales tax. If you are sales tax exempt in one of the above states, then e-mail your sales tax exempt information to orders@servapure.com and we will apply that certificate for you, and e-mail you back, typically the same day.