100% Guarantee


Our 100% Guarantee

Why We Offer a 100% Guarantee

Our 100% Guaratee is simple. At ServAPure, we believe in treating our customers the way we want to be treated. That is why we offer a 100% Guarantee. We appreciate each and every one of our customers and want to show that appreciation.

Details of Our 100% Guarentee

100% Delivery Satisfaction

100% Guarantee the items you order will reach the destination in good working order. If this is ever not the case, you can e-mail pictures of the problem to orders@servapure.com and we will be sure to recify the issue as soon as possible.

100% Accurate Description

100% Guarantee our product descritions are accurate. Our products our constantly updated and the information is kept up to the cutting edge of information. You can count on accurate information.

100% Brand as Advertised

100% Guarantee the items you order will be EXACTLY what you ordered. We will never ship you a non-genuine item or anything, other than what you ordered. What you see advertised on our website will be 100% genuine.

Problems or Questions?

Contact Us

Problems our questions about a product or an order? E-mail us at orders@servapure.com