
Frequently Asked Questions About Water

If you can not find your question below, please contact us and we will be more than happy to answer any questions you have. Serv-A-Pure has been in the water filtration and purification industry since 1946 and have gained the knowledge to help you with any water filtration/purification questions you may have.

General Water Filtration FAQ's---------------------------------------

How do I know when to change out my sediment filter?

The best fool-proof way to know when to change your sediment filter is by pressure drop. Installing a pressure gauge on the inlet and outlet of the filter housing will allow you to calculate the pressure drop across the filter. Once the pressure drop reaches 15 psi, it is recommended that the sediment filter be changed out. For example: if you have 60 psi on the inlet of the filter housing and 45 psi on the outlet then you have a 15 psi pressure drop and should think about changing your filter. If you do not have pressure gauges installed, the next best way is to go by the feel of the pressure of your water. Once you start to notice a pressure drop in your water then it is probably time to change it out.

How do I remove the sulfur or "rotten egg" smell from my water?

Removing sulfur that has a "rotten egg" smell from your water will depend on the levels of hydrogen sulfide present. Please view the options below to see what will fit your needs best.

• Install a cartridge filter: This option is only effective on low levels of hydrogen sulfide, usually less than 1 mg/l. It has been our experience that some carbon filters may effectively for months, where other may only last for days. We have found a more effective cartridge is one with KDF-85 media and activated carbon mixed together. You can perform a search for KDF-85 on our website to find these cartridges. KDF-85 media is also capable of removing up to 3 mg/l (3 ppm) of iron in your water as well.

• Install an oxidizing filter: Installing an oxidizing filter such as a manganese greensand filter can be effective for hydrogen sulfide livels up to 6 mg/l. Manganese Greensand is capable of reducing hydrogen sulfide, iron and manganese. The hydrogen sulfide is reduced by oxidation o insoluble sulfur precipitate. These precipitates are then filtered and removed by backwashing.

• Install a chemical feed system: Using a chemical feed system can work for hydrogen sulfide levels exceeding 6 mg/l. Chlorine is a typical chemical injected into the water supply line or storage tank. When proper contact time has ensued, te oxidizing chemical changes the hydrogen sulfide to sulfur, which can then be removed through a manganese greensand filter. Any remaining chlorine can then be removed through carbon filtration.

How do I remove iron from my water?

This answer depends on what type of iron you have in your water. Iron can be found in 2 separate forms in your water, either in the ferrous or ferric state. To find out what type of iron may be present in your water see their descriptions below.

 Ferrous Iron: Your water is clean when drawn out but changes to a yellow or rusty color after sitting in a sink, toilet or shower. Ferrous iron it totally dissolved in water and has not yet been exposed to oxygen and therefore has not oxidized. A sediment or carbon filter cannot remove ferrous iron as it simply passes right through the filter. The way to remove iron from your water is through oxidization. If you have smaller amounts or iron in your water, 3 ppm or below, you can try using either a Pentek RFFE20-BB filter or an Aries AF-20-2215-BB filter. If you have higher levels of iron in your water, you will then need to pursue a more aggressive treatment form.

 Ferric Iron: Ferric iron has a red rusty appearance when it is drawn. You can visually see the iron ions in the water. This type of iron is not dissolved in the water but rather suspended in solution. Ferric iron can be removed by simple sediment filtration in most applications, however ferric iron is almost always accompanied by ferrous iron. In some applications you may need to use large capacity, automatic backwashing filter for proper removal of ferric iron.

What is a micron rating?

A micron rating is a way of indicating the ability of the filter to remove contaminants by the size of the particles. The smaller the micron rating, the more particles that will be removed. For example a 1-micron filter will remove more particles from the water then a 25-micron filter would.

When should I change out my carbon filter?

Every carbon filter is rated for a certain number of gallons and this value can be found on each product page. If you do not have a way of measuring the amount of gallons run through the filter, we recommend changing your carbon filter every 6-12 months as carbon beds are fertile grounds for bacteria growth. 

You may need to change a carbon filter sooner than 6 months if you notice a smell or taste return to your water. Once the smell or taste returns we recommend that you change out your carbon filter. Also the majority of carbon filters are not designed to filter out large amounts of sediment, so they may prematurely plug up with sediment is a pre-sediment filter is not placed in line in front of the carbon filter. If your carbon filter plugs up with sediment, you will lose water pressure and will need to change it out as well

Do I need a new o-ring?

It is not necessary to change your o-ring every time you change your filter. However, you should have a spare o-ring on hand incase there is a leak when changing out your filter. The time to change your o-ring is when you are not able to seal your housing when changing a filter, or f you visually inspect the o-ring and see some sort of deficiency with it. When changing o-rings you should also use an o-ring lubricant on it, such as a Dow 111 product found on our website.

What type of lubricant should I use on my o-ring?

We recommend that Dow Corning 111 O-Ring Silicone Lubricant be used on all o-rings. Dow 111 is food and beverage safe and approved by the FDA and NSF.

Do I need to buy the same brand of water filter every time I order a new filter?

You do not need to purchase the same brand of filter you are currently using. There are just a few different manufacturers out there, and these filters are often relabeled under different names. The most important thing is to ensure you are purchasing the correct size filter for the housing you have. If you need any help in selecting the proper filter, or cross referencing a different brand filter, please contact us for assistance.

Can I replace my 10" big blue sump with a 20" big blue sump?

The answer to this is typically yes. As long as the sumps you are exchanging are of the same brand then there is no problem. We sell Pentek housings and all 10" Pentek big blue sumps can be replaced with 20" Pentek big blue sumps with no problem. However, there are some brands that do not match up with the Pentek style housing.

Water Softening FAQ's------------------------------------------------

What is the difference between PPM (parts per million) or GPG (grains per gallon) when talking about hard water?

Hard water is typically measured in either parts per million (PPM), milligrams per liter (Mg/L) or grains per gallon (GPG).

1 PPM = 1 Mg/L
1 GPG = 17.1 PPM or Mg/L
PPM or Mg/L divided by 17.1 = GPG

Example: You have your water tested and the test reveals you have 200 PPM hardness in your water. This then means you would have 11.7 GPG (200 PPM/17.1) hardness.

How can I tell how hard my water is?

You can either have your water tested locally or you can purchase a Hach 5-B hardness test kit from our store. The Hach 5-B test kit provides a simple accurate test to determine how hard the water is in terms of grains per gallon. Hardness test strips can also be used, but are often inaccurate and difficult to get exact measurement.

Can I used a cartridge filter to soften my whole house?

Cartridge filter are NOT recommended to use on a whole house application. Due to their small capacity and the fact they are not able to regenerate, makes a cartridge filter uneconomical to use in a whole house application. Cartridge filters can be used effectively on point-of-use applications. We recommend purchasing a whole house water softening system to use for whole house applications.

Why do I want to have soft water?

Soft water greatly reduces the scaling of pipes, faucets, tubs, pots, dishes and anything else the water touches. Softened water removes harmful mineral from the water. It also helps relieve dry skin and scalp, because soft water removes all excess soap and cells from skin pores. Soft water prevents your clothes from losing color and looking grungy, so your clothes will last longer. You will also see an additional savings in the amount of dishwashing, laundry and body soap you will need to use.

Why does soft water feel 'slimy'?

When you wash your skin with hard water, there is a layer of soap and minerals left on your skin. With soft water, the soap is completely rinsed away leaving just the natural oils your skin produces. That 'slimy' feel is the way your skin is supposed to feel.

How much sodium is added to the water by the softener?

According to the WQA (Water Quality Association), for every grain of hardness there will be 30 mg of sodium in a gallon after it has been softened. So if your water is 3 grains hard, your sodium level would be 90 mg per gallon of water. Keep in mind your incoming city/well water can also contain sodium that would increase the total sodium count.

Will a RO (Reverse Osmosis) system remove the salt from the sodium softened water?

Typical home reverse osmosis systems will remove up to 98% of salts from your water. If you suffer from hypertension or are on a sodium-restricted diet, RO water is an excellent source of water to drink.

Will a water softener remove iron from my water?

Water softeners will remove iron from your water. Typical water softeners will remove up to 3 PPM of iron, but check the specifications of your exact model for more details.

Will a water softener remove tannins from my water?

A water softener can possibly remove tannins from your water, however since their molecular structure vaires a great deal from place to place, they are often difficult to remove. Once treatment method may be effective on one area, ut may be totally ineffective 10 miles down the road. Tannins are found in waters which have passed through large quantities of decaying vegetation. Tannins can cause yellow water and yellow staining on fabrics and fixtures.

Will a water softener remove nitrate from my water?

Water softeners and carbon filters do not adequately remove nitrates from water. The best way to treat water with nitrates present is through reverse osmosis, deionization or distillation.

Ultraviolet (UV) Purification FAQ's-----------------------------------------


What are the annual maintenance requirements?

UV lamps have a useful life of approximately 9000 hours, which means that the lamp should be replaced annually. Please be aware that the lamp may illuminate beyond one year, however here will not be enough UV energy to provide adequate purification. Proper maintenance of an pre-treatment is also required. The sleeve should be cleaned at least once a year.

Should I shut my system off when I am not using it?

No, the UV system should be left on whether you are using the water or not. The lamps age regardless of the amount of water drawn through the system. By leaving the unit o, you will eliminate the potential problem of having contamination pass through the system while the unit is off. However, if water is drained from your purification system (e.g. winterizing), the UV system must be switched off. During other long periods of non-use (e.g. vacation home), the system can be shut off to save power and lamp life provided shut off valves are used on either side of the UV system preventing untreated water or bacteria from passing through the UV chamber while not in use.

How much does it cost to operate my UV system?

UV systems are extremely economical to operate. A typical UV system operates on the same power requirements as a 40-watt light bulb. Also it is recommended to exchange the UV light every 9000 hours (or once a year).

How do I clean the quartz sleeve?

If the quartz sleeve becomes stained, remove the sleeve from the reactor chamber and clean it with a commercially available scale remover such as Lime-Away or CLR. Always use an acid based product. Do not use a product such as Windex. It is also important to use more than visual perception with this component, place the sleeve against a white sheet of paper to ensure its transparency. If the sleeve seems discolored after being clean with recommended products; replace it.

Is UV 100% effective?

UV disinfection typically offer a 99.99% reduction for both bacteria and viruses. UV purification is more effective than chemical disinfection at treating a wide range of viruses.

Is UV effective against protozoa such as Cryptosporidium and Giardia lamblia?

Yes, as a result of finding by academic researchers, it has now been proven that UV is the best technology to treat these protozoan cysts. In addition, the dose levels required to inactivate these cysts are actually quite low: less than 10 mJ/cm2 for 99.99% reduction of both Cryptosporidium and Giardia. This is well within the capabilities of all Sterilight and Trojan UV systems, which actually delivers a minimum of 30 mJ/cm2 at their quoted flow rates.

Does UV treat E. coli?

Yes, E. coli requires a UV dose between 6 to 10 mJ/cm2 to achieve 99.99% purification. This is well within the capabilities of all Sterilight and Trojan UV systems, which actually deliver a minimum of 30 mJ/cm2 at their quote flow rates.

What size system do I need?

An average household UV ranges in size from 5 to 12 GPM. Determining your pumps or houses flow rate will typically determine your required flow rate. It is important to never undersize the UV, when in doubt about the size, always choose the next largest size. A simple way to test your flow rate is to take a 5-gallon pail and fill it directly from the pressure tank or another tap in your house. If the pail takes 60 seconds to fill then you have a 5 GPM flow rate. If the pail fills in 30 seconds then you have a 10 GPM flow rate.